'The Lost and Found'
Par Gilles Roudot, Friday 24 February 2006 à 15:33 :: Furniture :: #28 :: rss
The old reveals itself more clearly than the new, because time left out the noise. What at first can look as what you expect it to be can suddenly reveal itself in a different way. We started a new project when we moved our studio from tan old farm in the country to the old fruit deposit factory in Rotterdam. On the attic of the farm the former owner left some furniture. A chair that was stuffed in an attic for forty years and had gathered a million layers of dust. Like clockwork every day a layer of dust was added and eventually the Old got a new shape. If you could polish the top layer of dust you end up with a shiny and new chair, shaped by time.
Designer :: Judith de Graauw (DEMAKERSVAN).
Photo credits Raoul Kramer.
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