Fennia Prize competition 07
Par Gilles Roudot, Monday 5 June 2006 à 11:55 :: Contests / Awards :: #168 :: rss
participate in the competition!
Design is an integral aspect of business in both the manufacturing and service sectors alike. The Fennia Prize is a competition for firms and companies rewarding the exemplary use and application of design in business. Register your company’s product/service in the Fennia Prize 2007 competition.
Awards The Fennia Prize Grand Prix €20 000 Two Fennia Prize awards of €7 500 each 15-25 Fennia Prize honourable mentions
In addition: - participation in the Fennia Prize exhibition in Finland and abroad (the Fennia Prize exhibition has been on show in Europe, Asia and South America) - inclusion in the exhibition catalogue, which also presents the designers of prize-winning products - the right to use the Fennia Prize logo.
The Fennia Prize competition is also open to companies producing designed goods or applying design in other ways in their business. Design items and project that have been realized no earlier than two years previously can be submitted for the competition.
Competition period 1 May –10 October 2006
Fennia Prize competition is organized by Design Forum Finland and Fennia Group.
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