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Tuesday 13 May 2008

CITE DU DESIGN :: Call for Proposals for young researchers

The Cumulus Conference Saint-Etienne 2008 issues a call for proposals based on the three following themes. The call is open to young researchers of any discipline that judge their research work concern or impact design. The steering committee of the Cumulus Conference Saint-Etienne 2008 will select 5 to 6 proposals for each theme. Experimental and innovative projects are more expected than academic ones.

Themes of the Call for Proposals

1) Design, landscape and environment

2 ) Design and social innovation

3) Design, interaction and digital technology. - -

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Wallpaper* :: Salone del Mobile

Jaime Hayon with his "Jet Set" installation for Bisazza.

60 second video interviews with designers and plenty of news updates.


Thursday 10 April 2008

NICOLA FROM BERN :: Salone Satellite, Milano (16. - 21. April 2008)

After the huge success of – free D.I.Y. cardboard furniture for kids – NICOLA FROM BERN presents his recent work at this year's Salone Satellite, Milano. Exhibited is a selection of furniture for the modern nomad and those who are always on the move.

Designer :: Nicola from Bern


The new lighting revolution by SAAZS

Champagne & Cocktail Party :: 04 / 17 / 2008
Centre culturel Français de Milan


Friday 4 April 2008

DESIGNSPOTTER Canada Lifestyle Tour 2008


Only FIVE weeks left to start our big tour through Canada. We are completely excited about that.

We ask ourselves: Where are all those exciting people from Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Banff or Edmonton?
And by the way... how are people called who live in Calgary? Calgarians?
And however.. how´s the canadian weather in may?

YOU can help us answering all those questions. Just drop us a line with
– exciting people
– interesting locations
– important and unimportant informations about our travel cities
– your tour tips
– your suggestions, ideas or comments: gogolin (at) designspotter (dot) com

kind regards

Markus Gogolin
cmo & editor


Tuesday 1 April 2008

Obdesigner, the International Resume :: The French online magazine launches the international version of its news feed.

Since 2002, Obdesigner offers recurring news of design expressions. Through several free tools, the portal proposes a variety of services such as a business directory, a visual gallery dedicated to design products, a calendar, a forum...
It also allows users to post or consult ads.
Until March 2008, the magazine was mainly open to an French-speaking audience.

Obdesigner launches an english version
available at: so as to share its news with a larger audience.

Friday 21 March 2008

INDUSTREAL OVERTURE :: Salone del Mobile 2008

An introduction to the work of Ionna Vautrin and Guillaume Delvigne who from the very beginning have shared in the research of Industreal and they have dedicated a significant part of their poetry to the material of creativity, porcelain.

An Overture because in all effects, an opening, a beginning which promises new developments, new initiatives.

Opening: Wednesday April 16th, 2008 – 8pm
Exhibition: April 16th to 21st, 2008, 10am / 7pm

Industreal @ Fabbrica del Vapore
Palazzina Liberty new address
via Procaccini, 4 - Milano

Wednesday 19 March 2008

"Loud" :: Olivier Peyricot

video teaser ::

Tools galerie
119 rue Vieille du Temple
75003 Paris

Vernissage le jeudi 3 avril 2008 de 19 à 22h.
Exposition du 3 avril au 24 mai 2008

8 pièces originales
sofa, tables, luminaires, miroirs et céramiques

Tools galerie

Wednesday 12 March 2008

To come :: Design Students on

>> Design Students "Catégories" on <<<


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