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Sunday 19 March 2006

MOCO LOCO network

Design addict, MOCO you know all!
Except if you have the electricity only recently.
But MOCO it is also:

Amsterdam, Montreal, San Francisco, Tokyo, Art MoCo.

Moco loco

Saturday 11 March 2006

For the share of feminity that does not have;)


Thursday 9 March 2006

It is what the "truc" ?? by

Launched last month by Gilles Roudot, is easily the best new design blog to come online since, oh about December 7th or so. Gilles is French, but he posts in English, much to my gratitude. If you had an enthusiastic French teacher in high school, you might remember that "truc" is a slangy word for a thing, like "gizmo" or "doodad." Or you might have to look it up like I did. Anyway, the gizmos on trucdesign are modern products and furniture, most of which you haven't seen blogged all over the web already. A bit like what we try to do here. Definitely worth adding to your feed reader.

posted by Scott Bennett An elegant site, has to see absolutely.Gilles

furniture and design in the modern world


Monday 6 March 2006

Because it is the reference. A kind of MAXI(MUM) "trucspotter".

Designspotter is a daily design web magazine dedicated to everything related to young modern contemporary design including: accessoires, audio furniture, books, design-contests, exhibitions, fashion, furniture, hotels, lighting, new materials, residential architecture, interior design and prototypes.
