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Wednesday 25 June 2008


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Monday 26 May 2008

Luxtube3000 :: Team Tentakulus, Dipl.Des. Sven Fischer

Team Tentakulus is an agency for Interior- and Industrial Design. Completed with the Team Tentakulus network it is a platform for concepts, experiments,design and art in different areas. Our focus is the creative service. Flexible design consulting guaranteed best Interior- and Industrial Design, based on an interdisciplinary brain pool. We develop innovative concepts and ideas and afford project management for the realisation.

LUXTUBE3000 lights up your mind.
You need bright light to work or dim backlight in your living room. Or a modern and subtle luminaire for your office or an impressive light in the foyer. Imagine LUXTUBE3000 can be all that, just as you like.
The stick as light unit can combine with a variety of colourful basic modules and connecting sticks, and different LED options allow you customise luminance so you can create unique designs that highlight your individual space. And the best part of it: it's simple. The modular technique with a socket, plastic tubes and a lighthead make for nearly unlimited combinations. Just try for yourself!

Designer :: Team Tentakulus, Dipl.Des. Sven Fischer


Sirens’ :: Mete A. MORDAG

Sirens’ is designed by imitating several water surfaces, originated by sinking objects of various forms, and composing them into one continuous surface. She is designed for Adyton, Turkey. Dimensions: 1200x1000x400 mm Material: GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic)

Designer :: Mete A. MORDAG


Tuesday 13 May 2008

CITE DU DESIGN :: Call for Proposals for young researchers

The Cumulus Conference Saint-Etienne 2008 issues a call for proposals based on the three following themes. The call is open to young researchers of any discipline that judge their research work concern or impact design. The steering committee of the Cumulus Conference Saint-Etienne 2008 will select 5 to 6 proposals for each theme. Experimental and innovative projects are more expected than academic ones.

Themes of the Call for Proposals

1) Design, landscape and environment

2 ) Design and social innovation

3) Design, interaction and digital technology. - -

Monday 12 May 2008

1.2.3 Table :: Mlle Lilli

"1.2.3 Table is a coffee table with Maya inspirations to assemble itself. Delivered flat in three parts, you assemble it very easily without tool, or glue, or screw."

Designer :: Mlle Lilli


Tuesday 22 April 2008

Wallpaper* :: Salone del Mobile

Jaime Hayon with his "Jet Set" installation for Bisazza.

60 second video interviews with designers and plenty of news updates.


Saturday 12 April 2008


Dimensions: 45x49x75 cm
Materials : lacquered aluminum, epoxy foam
Colors: black, white, red, yellow, blue, aluminum

Dimensions: 141x75x75 cm
Materials : lacquered aluminum, epoxy foam
Colors: black, white, red, yellow, blue, aluminum

Designer :: DUSTDELUXE


Thursday 10 April 2008

NICOLA FROM BERN :: Salone Satellite, Milano (16. - 21. April 2008)

After the huge success of – free D.I.Y. cardboard furniture for kids – NICOLA FROM BERN presents his recent work at this year's Salone Satellite, Milano. Exhibited is a selection of furniture for the modern nomad and those who are always on the move.

Designer :: Nicola from Bern


The new lighting revolution by SAAZS

Champagne & Cocktail Party :: 04 / 17 / 2008
Centre culturel Français de Milan



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